Friday, July 22, 2016

13 Month Old Growler

My precious princess that I dress in dresses as much as I can roars like her brother. She picks up toys and roars with them. She makes me laugh. 

She's so beautiful but yet she acts just like her rambunctious brother. In fact she's a little crazier than him if that's possible. She's flipped over our couch (she's ok) at least 3 times. Now I've added pillows everywhere besides on the couch where they belong. She's climbing, jumping, and trying to run. She's trying to keep up with a 4 year old boy. She's one tough little princess. 

She's so smart. Totally amazes me. She listens to me when I tell her to sit so I can put her shoes on. She understands "no" and doesn't like the word lol. But when it comes to falling over the back of the couch she's starting to agree with "no."

When I ask her if she wants something she tells me yes by shaking her head. She shrugs her shoulders and lifts her hand when she doesn't know something. It's so adorable. If you ask her where someone is that's not around she says I don't know with her shrugging. 

She's mastered going upstairs and she understand mommy saying wait for me to go up. Every once in awhile she runs up giggling knowing she's doing something that's going to give momma a heart attack. We worked on her coming down and she sits and scoots but oy that scares me. Will keep working on that. 

Cutest thing ever right now is she loves to wiggle. If you tell Grace to wiggle wiggle she just wiggles so much. Makes you laugh. She loves to see you laugh. 

We've been singing if you are happy and you know it song a lot. And the other day from the pool she was upset. Bubba and I started singing it and she would say hooray in her own way every time we got to that part. It was adorable.

Grace is our little copycat right now. If bubba dances she tries to mimick his moves. If I walk backwards she walks backwards. She's learning so much right now and trying to do it all. Slow down little girl. You are so unbelievably adorable to me. 

Grace is still a great eater. Baby girl loves good tasting food :). 

She loves her bubba and wants to always be by him. She snuggles up to him as often as she can. She is so in love with her bubba. And he is wonderful to her. He's always looking out for her. Almost like being a little 2nd mommy. He makes me laugh. I hope they stay that way forever. 

Grace also loves to walk. She can walk almost half a mile. I think I have two great running buddies in my future. 

Last but not least. When I leave her briefly she runs to my arms. And kisses me when I ask. How in the world did I get two angels who make me feel like my heart will explode? Grace you and bubba are the lights of my life. I can't believe I get to be in your life. I love y'all more than you will ever know. Slow down little girl. You are my baby.