Sunday, November 2, 2014

Bye October 2014

I meant to write before the end of October but time…just runs away from you huh? What's going?

Mommy and twin Shee turned 30. WOO! What did we do? We had an 80's party and did a Queen Sing-A-Long on a 9' x 12' movie screen with our huge 80's hair and 80's costumes. It was awesome! I even caught it moments before it hit the ground LOL but it was a wonderful night celebrating with our family. Bye 20's…we had some awesome times. The 30's should be even better.

On Mommy's birthday I wanted to take my angel to Sweet Berry Farm. It was so much fun. My sweet boy. Took classic pumpkin pictures with cousin Noah. Ran through the beautiful flowers (so cute!). Jumped on the balloon jumping trampoline thing (ha I don't know what it's called).

Hudson and I started decorating for Halloween back in August. We pulled out our little bucket of 3 decorations and I knew we had to get busy decorating. I'm proud to say that most of our decorations are hand crafted (and foot crafted) by Hudson. We had such a wonderful time. It was the best part of my year. Made my heart so unbelievably happy. We took them down this past weekend and it made me cry. Haha. So emotional I am. I love my baby's creations. We're going to have to start decorating for Thanksgiving now and Christmas :). Can't wait!

We also decorated because of our Halloween Party we had. Three sweet babes Hudson, Noah and Liam all went trick-or-treating together and it was so much fun. My baby was a pumpkin. He's been telling me for months now he wanted to be a pumpkin and of course he made an adorable one. Liam was a cute monkey :) and Noah was Darth Vader. We ate dinner, went trick-or-treating, carved pumpkins and made s'mores. I think we all had a blast.

The boys handed out candy at first but we had to cut them off as they were giving out a hand full of candy to each kid. We didn't really cut them off we had to go trick or treating but it was funny to see them handing out lots of candy. They loved it.

Before I end this blog I wanted to put some cute things Hudson is saying lately.

This week as I was putting my baby to bed and I started to sing to him. I thought he was almost out and he tells me, "another song mommy." These are the sweet things I will hold onto as long as I can.

Another sweet thing I love is when we're laying in his bed and I'm putting him to sleep he says, "mommy, get on my pillow" he wraps his precious arms around my neck or takes my hand and puts his little fingers through mine and it makes me feel like my heart are going to explode.

Our favorite quote that me and Hudson say over and over because we've seen Hotel Transylvania a billion times, "I'm Dracula blah blah blah…I've never said that in my life…I don't know where that comes from." Love to hear Hudson say it :). So cute.

"Mommy, you're the best ever." "I want you forever mommy." And of course I tell him, "I'm yours forever." My wild son…makes my heart go crazy (and sometimes my brain hehe). I love my life as this wonderful boy's mother. It's the best thing that ever happened to me.