This past weekend was definitely one for the books..or the blog. I've been slacking :(. Been one weird summer to say the least.
Thursday night Hudson and I built and painted a bird house. I loved watching Hudson's face as he focused so intensely. My little artist at work. Last week I pulled out the paints for the first time since last year and this year was different. Last year Hudson didn't want to touch the paint. This year he was so patient, doing 1 color at a time, creating his masterpiece. While working from home I'm having to get creative on keeping my bubba entertained. I'm so happy that he loves it. We also started watching Dino Dan and Dinosaur Train. Hudson LOVES dinosaurs. I'm sure that boys and girls are both fun to raise but this boy's pretty awesome.
Friday we got up and I decided that since we have this new love of Dinosaurs we should go dig some Dinosaur bones. Let's be like Dino Dan. I took Hudson to the
Austin Nature & Science Center. We checked out all of the bones, fossils, bugs, animals and dug dinosaur bones. My bubba's curiosity was awesome. This has to be the best stage yet (I say that every month so maybe it just gets better and better :) ). Afterwards we hit up the Liz Carpenter Fountain to cool off. It was just us and one other family. Plenty of space to run around freely. It was perfect. Afterwards we split an ice cream from Sandy's. I love to share my ice cream with my honey… to share my life. I'm so lucky to be a part of his.

We spent the night with nana and pops so we could head down and see Hapa in San Antonio in the morning. Bubba showed hapa how he drives his toy car. Hudson pushed hapa's walker around and they shared strawberries. It's always fun to see hapa. He's pretty cool. We then stopped by to see Liam, Shelly & Patrick. Watched Liam crawl around like nobody's business. That boy is getting around. So reminds me of Hudson…when all the madness started haha. I knew it was on when Hudson started crawling. It's on for Mr. Liam too. He's walking around the coffee table as he holds on. He's ready to go! I love the way Liam looks at Hudson. It's like he's thinking… and you…once I start running we are taking on this town! I love the way Hudson is so sweet to his baby cousin too. They have that adoring cousin look.
We ended the night with a paint session with maw maw. Love my painter. My mom is an amazing artist too. She is amazing at everything she does. Hair, makeup, painting, designing, floral arrangements and so much more. My sister adopted more of those talents than I did (haha).
Sunday nana & pops took Hudson to a few stores and then to the Zilker Train while we were at a good friend's baby shower. They even did a little fishing.
Monday daddy went Hunting and mommy and Hudson took off for a fun filled day. We went to get some dinosaurs and play dough. Then spent a few hours at the Liz Carpenter fountain again. I love that place. Hudson let some water squirt him up his shirt and at his butt. The look on his face was priceless. That night we ended it with watching our new movie Walking with Dinosaurs, building with play dough and pretending to have our dinosaurs talk. I love my son's imagination. I love how he shares his toys with me and wants me to play with him. I love my time with my angel. He's truly my best friend. I owe all the happiness in my heart to him. I am forever his.
Love my sweet boy. Thanks for the blast as always!