Wednesday, June 9, 2010


In February, my sister, Thomas and I decided that we were going to do a Triathlon. We started training for the CapTexTri on 5/31. We trained most of the days together and it was a blast. I had so much fun! I highly recommend to everyone that if you want to work out and you have a group of really good friends you should do a Triathlon together. It's a great way to lose weight or get in shape and you guys will have so much fun, I guarantee it!

Since the Triathlon we've already started training for our next one. It's on Labor Day and we're so excited. Our first Tri was a 400 Meter Swim/6 mile bike/3 mile run and now we're hoping to do an Olympic Triathlon in the AVIA Austin Triathlon. It's a 1500 Meter Swim, 25 Mile Bike, 6 Mile Run. It sounds crazy but we're going to TRI really hard to do it! :)

If you want to sign up yourself you can go here:

And if you want help training for it, we found this training schedule:

Join in, have fun and GOOD LUCK!

"I Mean Come On Now" - NOAH!

So my sweet baby cousin was born on April 1st and I'm in love all over again. He's such a beautiful sweet baby. He smiles so much. He's such a happy baby and he has some of the best parents in the world.

His name is Noah James Lancaster and he'll melt your heart. I could just watch him all day. It's the most entertaining thing ever. He's just wonderful.

We know he's going to be so funny since his birthday was on April Fools Day. He'll learn a lot of good jokes from his mommy and daddy (and his dorky cousin Amber :) ).

Enjoy the pictures of my beautiful sweet baby cousin Noah.