In February, my sister, Thomas and I decided that we were going to do a Triathlon. We started training for the CapTexTri on 5/31. We trained most of the days together and it was a blast. I had so much fun! I highly recommend to everyone that if you want to work out and you have a group of really good friends you should do a Triathlon together. It's a great way to lose weight or get in shape and you guys will have so much fun, I guarantee it!
Since the Triathlon we've already started training for our next one. It's on Labor Day and we're so excited. Our first Tri was a 400 Meter Swim/6 mile bike/3 mile run and now we're hoping to do an Olympic Triathlon in the AVIA Austin Triathlon. It's a 1500 Meter Swim, 25 Mile Bike, 6 Mile Run. It sounds crazy but we're going to TRI really hard to do it! :)
If you want to sign up yourself you can go here: http://www.theaustintriathlon.com/register.asp
And if you want help training for it, we found this training schedule:
Join in, have fun and GOOD LUCK!