Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We went fishing this weekend and I caught my first Red. It was 25"!! It was beautiful. We drove to Port O'Connor on Friday night after we stopped off at our beloved What-A-Burger and put the boat in the water as soon as we got there.

Like all fishing trips, this one had a funny story from the beginning. The boat wouldn't start and the mosquitoes were biting like crazy. After 45 minutes of thinking that a certain valve wasn't working we noticed that the battery was dead. HAHA. My dad hooked up the spare battery and botta bing it started. WOO HOO!

We parked the boat right outside of our condo and went to bed with hopes of getting up early for some good fishing. I set my clock for 6 AM and slept until 7. Whoops. We got up and headed out to the jetties.

Warning: Never go to the jetties if the water is choppy. I know this based on the near death experiences my dad has had. None of which I was there to witness (thankfully).

The water was extremely calm, so we ventured out. We bought frozen shrimp and mullet and dropped about 5 lines between the three of us. Thomas caught a Red and so my dad stopped what he was doing to run over with the net. In the mean time, I was trying to untangle a fishing line and the next thing I knew a line was hitting me in my face. I thought to myself, what the heck is going on? Sure enough, one of the lines my dad set up was going crazy so I picked up the pole, set the hook and reeled it in. It was fighting a lot at first. So much that I thought it was a Skipjack. Those fish fight like crazy and they will cut your line with their sharp teeth. Finally I got it up close to boat and my dad ran over with the net. It was a beautiful 25" Red (the biggest one...shh...I'm not bragging...haha).

I caught a flounder shortly after. It was right at the limit and so we decided to keep it. Those are delicious at any size!

My uncle and Thomas each caught a shark. That was crazy. I wanted to catch one too. I wonder how they fight?? My poor daddy didn't catch a keeper. He usually catches the biggest fish. He deserves it :).

We were only down for a day and a half so we didn't get to fish as long as we usually do. We're still trying to learn Port O'Connor. We usually go to Port Mansfield. That's our favorite place. The only problem is that it takes us 5 hours to get there and it only take 2.5 to 3 hours to get to Port O'Connor.

I can't wait until our next fishing trip but it probably won't be until it starts to get warm again. Some time in March I'm guessing. I'll miss you fishing....see you soon :)