The 2nd song made me cry as well as the 7th song. 2nd song The Story by Brandi Carlie is not only a beautiful song but reminds me of a story that Ashley & Thomas shared with me on one of their many adventures to ACL. It reminds me that these two individuals were most definitely made for each other. A pair that was destined to meet in the large sea of people on myspace. The 7th song (even though the rest are good as well - these just stick out to me) The Last Beat of My Heart by Devotchka makes me want to cry from overjoyed happiness in my heart. Such a beautiful song full of spirit that Ashley & Thomas exude. There's an energy that comes from these two that makes your heart feel light and young. The same way I feel when I'm with my angel sissy.
The wedding was full of rain but also a heavy downpour of excitement from such a wonderful union. I feel so unbelievably honored to be a part of their wedding, a part of their lives. My sissy and Thomas are an Amber magnet. My whole heart is happy for them. When I think about Ashley and Thomas I think what an amazing love they have. What an amazing friendship they have. Two people who never want to be separate from each other because they love each other's company more than anything in the world. They listen to each other's dreams and make them happen together. They fight hard for each other. They are the best of friends that anyone could ever wish to have. They are the Nicolas Sparks books you read. The Twilight movie you watch over and over. Nothing is impossible when it comes to Ashley and Thomas. I couldn't be more proud of two individuals who found the love of their life and celebrate it every day.